Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Middle-aged Men in Lycra

Awoke far too early this morning to the frangipani scented warm air of Bangkok. A lovely hotel spa, typical Thai romance, outstanding service.. and realised all I have been dreaming about is men in lycra.

Never having been one to dip a freshly- pedicured toe into the shallow end, I find that yet again I have plunged straight into the deep end and "taken up cycling" and will start with an 800 km ride!  
This  it has thrust me into a new world of men with tanned, toned and shaved legs, conversations of cleats and fancy shoes, caffeine and "goos", and what bum cream to use.
God, the last time I used bum cream was when I had babies and that was on my haemorrhoids!
And what fills me now with most trepidation and anticipation, the apparent need to dispense with underwear! 

So think of me tomorrow when I start the ride, lubed up and knickerless in bike shorts that remind me of an incontinence pad, staring at the MAMILS with with shaved legs and wearing lycra.  
All I can say is I hope they are black....The shorts that is. 


  1. lol - once you see that, you can't unsee it! Good lick, oops, (freudian slip), I meant luck :))

  2. lovely..............? good luck mum xx
